Partie actuelle Westeros (Organisé par Hiliadan) - PBEM

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Pos. Nom du joueur Jeu période ClassesRacesÉquipe Evaluer
1 Hiliadan23:00-0:00aqui
2 Ezekiel18:00-23:00aqui
3 Lykus18:00-22:00aqui
4 AlXStormrage20:00-0:00aqui
5 cbower18:00-23:00aqui
6 Gilafron17:00-22:00aqui
Publié le Wed, 31 Dec 1969 19:00:00 -0500

Wouldn't adding deepwoot motte futher boost stark? It woukd have to be on the nothwest coast. This woul make it around 1-2 days away from winterfell. Would you suggest to give it to greyjoy from the start?

Otherwise i would suggest to implement flints fingers as a castle on the promontory north of ironmans bay.

Publié le Wed, 31 Dec 1969 19:00:00 -0500

1. Ok but you're thinking about making The White King playable by a human then? I think it should remain an AI, and if it is an AI, it should not be bothered with camps, quite the opposite (to make it stronger so that it attacks the Starks around turn 30).

2. As I said, I don't think it's possible to make a town only 1 hex large. Troops could be added to the fort though. However, that's not very consistent with the book, where it is more or less a ruin.

Publié le Wed, 31 Dec 1969 19:00:00 -0500

1. The idea is to make them into spawn camps, with very little actual reward. If they'd spawn 6unit roaming stacks early on, it'd surely make WK life uneasy. Also all of the Wildlings cities should be hostile. If possible script towns so that some higher upgrades wouldn't be possible.
This btw brings idea of the "crippled" towns, e.g. they can't build all buildings.
2. Regarding Moat Caitlyn - the idea was to make it village with the walls and packed with some troops. Also if passage can be narrowed to 1 hex , an MC is in that 1 hex, we get nice choke point
3. Yes, yes you got the correct name 😁 I ment Deepwood Motte 

Publié le Wed, 31 Dec 1969 19:00:00 -0500

I've got additional feedback that I'll post on the forum soon
I'm currently testing the White King to see how we should boost it.
AlX, I'm not clear what you mean by roaming gangs? You mean bandit camps and the like? But it would hurt the White King and not boost it?

Regarding Daenerys, we will see with the test with Gilafron playing it how it goes. I'm not sure it's a good idea to make her playable. If we do however, what you say makes sense. Regarding the roaming, I think there are already enough of them.

"I'd make Moat Caitlyn a small village" bad idea I think because it would not be a choke point any more. Right now, it can be hold by a Southern player to prevent the Stark from going South. However, right now, Southern players are too busy fighting themselves... Maybe we should remove one player (Stannis? Euron?) and replace it by the Arryn in the Vale? That would counter the Starks and ease the pressure in the South.
But in any case, I think having Moat Caitlyn as a choke point is important and so it needs to stay a fort.
Otherwise, probably good ideas for your 3/

"as well as would add Darkforest - small outpost with wooden fort (story-wise it would be cool to disable stone walls as some other upgrades) on the west shore, north of the Greyjoys."
Yes, good idea! You could actually add Deepwood Motte (cf. map where Asha get captured by Stannis.

Publié le Wed, 31 Dec 1969 19:00:00 -0500

As a matter of fact, I have a few things to say about balance:
1. White King (if he indeed is ment to always stay AI) is underpowered. However, I actually tried and played him solo - his growth rate is slow, and it takes quite a while to expand substantially. As I see it now - he is quite similar to Starks (far from main action, has some difficulties with roaming units, but with slower cities growth rate). If anything, I'd add about 5-6 more camps behind the wall, that would spawn roaming gangs and would allow a player to play him. What makes me say that? Usually main action happens in about 25-30 turns. By that time one of the players gets serious upper hand. If White King would be a player, it'd make Starks play weary, while other players would always have to keep in mind, that the Winter is coming 😁
2. Daeneris - she is interesting at the start, but similar to White King. If anything, I'd buff neutral towns in Easteros, to make her loose some troops in the start. Ideally - cities that are close to her should be buffed stronger, ones further away - less. In the end player playing as targarien would have to decide if he wants to sacrifice most of troops to get foothold, or if he would like to travel further away, to get the first city. Naturally additional roamings would be a good idea. In the end she could emerge as a 3-rd force fighting the main dominating player and WK.
3. Starks are hard in the beginning, but if played right, can be quite dominating. If anything, I'd make Moat Caitlyn a small village, and fill with neutral troops, blocking passage south. (If that is to be implemented, perhaps dreadfort should be relocated further east and made a city?). I am curious if it's possible to tamper with the towns attitude? Would be a good idea to make City behind the Wall and Dreadfort unfriendly. 
4. Greyjoys - are in need of a small boost. I'd add couple extra units 1-2 tier 1, and then would implement 3-rd point (Stark rebalancing), as well as would add Darkforest - small outpost with wooden fort (story-wise it would be cool to disable stone walls as some other upgrades) on the west shore, north of the Greyjoys.

Other than that, I think other factions are well balanced. Haven't played Martells yet though. Hope it helps

Edit: I have a nasty habbit of writing first and then reading related stuff  anyways went through Hillia's suggestions on the forum - many of them related to the factions balance and seem to be quite nice! 

Publié le Wed, 31 Dec 1969 19:00:00 -0500

Hello everyone! Gilafron published a v3 of the map: />It fixes most of the issues so now it makes sense to start a new game on it! It's great! <smiletext0>

AlX, do you have some additional feedback on the map, especially on the White King and the North? I think the White King needs to be strengthened because it is too slow now and had still not attacked Westeros on turn 40 (I believe it should attack by that time).

We could also invite Gilafron to play as Daenerys.

Publié le Wed, 31 Dec 1969 19:00:00 -0500

Hi guys! I have now 4 games ongoing, so I think we are on track to start on mid-May.

So who do you want to play?
- Stark
- Greyjoy
- Tyrell
- Lannister (Hiliadan)
- Baratheon
- Martell (AlXStormrage)

Publié le Wed, 31 Dec 1969 19:00:00 -0500

Hi Blackcat! Thanks for your interest but as I said in the gaming blog, we were already full. If you're interested, maybe you can join the next one but it will be in many months.

Publié le Wed, 31 Dec 1969 19:00:00 -0500

The game will use the Westeros map: />
Roleplay and involvement in the game required from participants.
6 players, 2 AI (The White King and Daenerys)

The game should start mid-may but I already open it here. It will start late because: 1/ I lack time to start it earlier (too many ongoing games already) and 2/ I want Shaithias to update it first to take into account some balance issues

NB: obviously, this game will not count for ranking (no report)
Zur Spielseite

Publié le Wed, 31 Dec 1969 19:00:00 -0500

Information Westeros
BLACKCAT joined !!

Publié le Wed, 31 Dec 1969 19:00:00 -0500

I invited the current updater of the map too: Shaithias. Not sure if he will participate though.

So I think we can consider we are full.

I would suggest you play Tyrell or Stark, IMO it's the easiest.
It's clear that the current 5 players are pretty good so you will not have a easy time but we don't specifically research good players to play this map, though it's of course better if we are of the same level (it avoids having the Lannister killed on turn 6 because the player crashed all his troop in a treasure site and then got killed by the Tyrell for instance!).

We are not playing the map to balance it, we are playing it for fun! But it needs to be balanced a bit to be funnier (it will be the 4th time I play it).
So RP expected and clearly, the idea is to ally and betray! But you will all see that surviving is already very hard!

Maybe if Shaithias wants to join, we could open Daenerys to a player, but she may be too OP.

Publié le Wed, 31 Dec 1969 19:00:00 -0500

Love Game of Thrones and have a good understanding of the world. I was the lore guy in my competitive Game of Thrones CCG group for a while.

Are you wanting to test this map for balance? Role-play suggests that we should be making alliances and things like that, so I wonder if there are any alternative/allied victory conditions, or if in practice it's just going to be teaming up on the leader.

I also know I'm not nearly as competitive with Age of Wonders as a lot of you, so I will pass if you are wanting a more skillful player, but otherwise, I'm fine with playing as whoever. Once I know my leader, I will play some practice games in single-player to get a feel for the map.

Preference would be Martell, since that was my main house when I played the card game competitively, but since you have suggested that they are weaker, and I know my skills aren't at your levels yet anyway, I'd be okay with another faction too. Maybe Tyrell? Browsing the comments on the mod, Tyrell seemed like a strong start, and I enjoyed playing as Highgarden too.

Publié le Wed, 31 Dec 1969 19:00:00 -0500

Information Westeros
cbower joined !!

Publié le Wed, 31 Dec 1969 19:00:00 -0500

Yes, think this time I will go with Martells as I want to compare for myself how hard/easy it is to play for them.

Publié le Wed, 31 Dec 1969 19:00:00 -0500

Yes, we'll use the Westeros 2 map (I gave the link earlier) but it needs to be updated first.

We will stick with the leaders of the scenario. The White King and Daenerys will be AI.
So playable:
- Stark
- Greyjoy
- Tyrell
- Lannister (I take it)
- Baratheon
- Martell

I think AlX wants to play the Greyjoy or Martell (the hardest ones).

I strongly suggest you play the game in single player a bit, because AlX and I know the map very well. Lykus knows it well too (but maybe he hasn't played the v2 yet).

Publié le Wed, 31 Dec 1969 19:00:00 -0500

Which mod will we be using? Is it the "Westeros 2" thing - got that one installed, but haven´t tried a playthrough of it yet. I haven´t decided yet. Will the race/classes be locked to the default ones of the mod?

Publié le Wed, 31 Dec 1969 19:00:00 -0500

Hi everyone!

Who do you want to play in that game?
I'd like to play Tywin!

Publié le Wed, 31 Dec 1969 19:00:00 -0500

Information Westeros
Lykus joined !!

Publié le Wed, 31 Dec 1969 19:00:00 -0500

Information Westeros
Eskild joined !!

Publié le Wed, 31 Dec 1969 19:00:00 -0500

Information Westeros
AlXStormrage joined !!

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