Résultats AOW3 Players - de 20 depuis 30 Derniers-

keika Résultats


Joué: 2020-05-21Nombre de joueurs humains: 2
Type de report: ffaenKind of game: PBEM
Valeur de la partie: 47
RésultatJoueurClassesRacesÉquipePointsPoints supplémentairesPoints non atteintsQuitteurEvaluer


Written on 2020-05-22 08:59:57

Nice reports and good to read about the game from both sides. From my point of view I would agree with Novo that Keika could have won the game with a hit and run tactic and just waiting tht Novo run out of gold. With the happiness malus and the income from the dwellings it sould like Keika would be able to supply a bigger army. Anyways, I hope is was fun for you guys.

Written on 2020-05-22 01:13:32

About my side my turn during 10~12 was very good and this made my  map very good till turn 20.

I was 6level at end of turn 9 but I was 11 at the end of turn 12.

I had socerror with ice glove and there were some luck at stunning so could farm a lot ex without haste berry even.

After that there was 2rich king castle, 2wizard tower,1sanctum, 1dungeon quite close and I could took all till early turn 20's.

And about this part, I should say he had untakeable treasure sites because he was delayed in leveling and the most importantly he spent his main stack to harass me. Still druid suffer with rich king castle but other mystic and regend not that hard with evloved animal and champion hunters.

With gold from those tasty sites, I rushed 5-6 evengelist for every turn, so my situation was really good and it's not that common for theo even.

And near that time keika bought dragon dwell at just my front yard. it was 1day distance from my city and 5~6 day from my throne. This map was very good for keika also indeed still he couldn't noticed it. He had dragon dwell so close and no ground way  to his zone and quite a lot water tile to cross so even can't cross at 1turn. More over there were 3dragon dwell totall and it's definitly not normal. dragon dwell with 1scout to force auto can't be taken even with resurgence main stack and it gives a lot enonomy per turn. need nearly 2stacks and it cost a lot of opportunity cost for me so I even couldn't touch that dragon dwell.

So it was obvious for me if I let his dwells while paying upkeep to protect my cities(and it was obvious I can hold only 2cities include throne because of scorch earth and hasty plunder), I can't win in long run so I decided pay back by rush. And this was totally unpleasant and unnormal for me.

you can see how it goes from keika's post and I will tell only  left.

just after his main stack reach to me, I couldn't produce any units because of upkeep and while rushing I can't fight enough.

And my evengelists forced to stay near throne so no move convert possble there.

maybe I was bloody unlucky with unit sets near because I had 0 floating or flyer from convert.

Anyway you can see even with that huge army how much I lost with his hit and run.

Even after his critical mistake of leader, he still had chance to win if he ran away.

He could force me to rush more or hold dragon dwell to complet plundering just by moving his mobile stacks on water near that dwell.

1turn lose of dwell isn't matter for him but serious matter for me cause of distruction.

If I take his city, he could cancle plundering of dwell and can plunder it

If I hold dwell, he get more 4turns and it gives a lot more to him while I spend much more upkeep.

no matter I decide what, he could plunder his throne and near by city so it gives huge gold and mana to him.

After this stage,keika would have more than 1k gold with little minus income due to his dwells.

For my side, I would have gold from dragon dwell plundering but it would spend on upkeep so I need to take sites for sure.

keika thought in this situation I'm better but I don't think. my walking units can't return to my zone before his mobile stack. I had 1floating stack but they can't win vs 2.5 stacks of him.

And while moiving even he can get his upkeep from clearing thing on path.(there was uncleared zone below my sanctum.)

And after that army reach at me, as he said I can force him some army lose but still can't take my city.

without cities for both player, keika has less units much lower upkeep and some income from dwell, and hugh gold and mana in treasure. For my side, I would have 3stacks and can add more from convert.

In this situation, I must divide my army to pay upkeep. however if I place only 1stack even the strongest, can't win vs his all army except his leader,if he hire some from inn. And cause I don't have throne, it's mean my lose of game no matter how much would left.

only way to solve this problem is being far from his army in underground near lava. And in this case he also can farm some sites.

my army would be more and more while his army not grow except some animal but it's not matter if both has nothing to defend. And both of players single mistake with leader stack, it's lose of game.

Also he said about scouting but I can't win it vs his wyverns and more swiming stack. I can cast cherub for scout but if I have less mobile army it means dead of it and I had so little mana and can't afford that consumption.

For this game if he picked hero instead random and just with partisan+no mistake for his leader, he had more chance to win for sure.

Written on 2020-05-22 00:13:46

Overall I have bought more than 2 stacks from inns, asked for army tribute from dwellings several times and from some point started producing army non-stop from three cities, but still it was not enough to catch up Novograd's army.

->first of all I should say about this.

Even in normal situation, if druid can have same amount of army with theo it's unbalanced sure because druid has much lower upkeep with more mobility. And even in this game, as he said he spent so much gold at vassal and mercenary even without partisan spec. So it's 100% greed

Written on 2020-05-22 00:08:22

Written on 2020-05-21 22:20:55

We were playing this game on medium map as non-ranking, but it was good and quite competitive, so I decided to report it.

Started as AD and picked rogue hero. Cleaned everything except 1-2 sites near my resp in 10 turns and discovered than I am on peninsula with the only one ground way.
My neighbour was on island, gave only one shitty quest and after that I just adsorbed it.

I was not lucky to summon any serpents (among first 10 attempts I believe) and there were nothing to befriend close to me, so I evolved only one spider in whole game.

Produced a few hunters and with my leader and 2 wyverns swim to explore new territory closer to opponent.
At the same time with rest of the ground army I was uselessly walking back and forth cleaning rest of the sites which I able to take.
Adjacent zone was not good for me, because it mainly contained mystical sites which was impossible to take with my army without a risk to lose everything.

I had good economy and with my small army had a lot of gold. Having "slightly good" alingment (and then "good") vassalized 2 dragon dwellings, giant dwelling, orc's outpost and conqured archons and released as vassal.

With my leader's stack I sneaked closer to Novograd's cities and started harassing him. With the help of units bought from nearby inns, I have captured and razed one city, razed 3 forts and approached to the throne.

At the same time I was scouting Novograd's main army and found out that he stopped cleaning sites and went to my cities.
He has captured archon dwelling and swimmed to dragon dwelling with clear intention to capture my cities.

I could not compete with his army, he had more than 3 stacks of good units (many of them converted) and also was summoning spirit elementals.

Example of successful conversions:

His heroes was far ahead in levels and items, afair 13 lvl leader, 13 level sorcerer and 11 level theocrat and so 2 stacks with divine justicars.

Even when I quite successfully made a diversion because of Novograd's incaution and killed 3 evangelists (including 2 champions), champion boar rider and troll, losing only one mature serpent (luckily charmed few turns ago), his army still was superior.

The same was near his throne. He had a lot of converted units including couple of shock troopers, assassins, ogre, champion warbreed and some other units.

The game was heating up and then I made fatal mistake. Trying to scout with my leader I moved it one tile further and was not able to retreat to safe position and Novograd punished me for that mistake. I lost my entire stack by embarked army.

That loss completely ruined my plans and I think it cost me a game.
Next turn I have captured secondary city with some summons and units previously bought from the inns.

Meet real heroes which killed champion warbreed with 24hp regeneration:

Unfortunately this win didn't matter anymore, because I could not cast scorched earth without leader.

I made serious economic damage to Novograd, conqured his orc's vassal one turn earlier and razed one more fort with +30 mana.
He was short on mana, negative mana income and most likely negative gold income. All of this could turn the game over on my side, but without leader's stack I thought that I will lose.

So I decided to give the last fight and attacked his main army. Obviously I had very low chances to win that battle:

This is the result after resurgence. At the end of the battle there were alive leader, 2 spirit elementals, warbreed and nearly dead hero and serpent. Not so bad considering the quality of my army.

Overall I have bought more than 2 stacks from inns, asked for army tribute from dwellings several times and from some point started producing army non-stop from three cities, but still it was not enough to catch up Novograd's army.
In total I have razed 5 forts, 1 city and captured 1 vassal, but he still had gold to maintain his army.

Knowledge score:

Military score:

We were discussing after the game with Novograd and he thinks that I surrendered too early and instead of attacking I should plunder my cities and run away.
Maybe I still had chances to win, but I had dismoral after I lost my leader and didn't believe in my win anymore.

Written on 2020-05-21 22:15:08

Written on 2020-05-21 22:15:08

Match has been reported, please confirm!

Written on 2019-03-21 23:49:58

Match has been reported, please confirm!

Map settings was ok. There were at least two underground entrances.
But overall it looks like map is a bit unbalanced.

There were no underground entrance near Mark's position (or it was quite far), also independent city was far enough as well.

The Settings of the game was irregular. There was no Unterground. Normal we have to replay this game. With Underground it is another game. 

i'm okay with it.

Balance mod 1.27

Used settings described here https://www.the-battlefield.c... with a few exceptions:
- without "Strong Defender Normal Reward mod"
- without "Unifier Victory" victory condition

we play with the balance mod?

Age of Wonders 3

Game name: 1vs1 balance
Password: 123

Preferably vs player with ~900 ranking points

Written on 2019-03-11 21:47:03

MARKYMARK joined !!

Partie#25 | Jean-Keika
Joué: 2020-05-13Nombre de joueurs humains: 2
Type de report: ffaenKind of game: PBEM
Valeur de la partie: 47
RésultatJoueurClassesRacesÉquipePointsPoints supplémentairesPoints non atteintsQuitteurEvaluer


Written on 2019-03-21 23:49:58

Match has been reported, please confirm!

Map settings was ok. There were at least two underground entrances.
But overall it looks like map is a bit unbalanced.

There were no underground entrance near Mark's position (or it was quite far), also independent city was far enough as well.

The Settings of the game was irregular. There was no Unterground. Normal we have to replay this game. With Underground it is another game. 

i'm okay with it.

Balance mod 1.27

Used settings described here https://www.the-battlefield.c... with a few exceptions:
- without "Strong Defender Normal Reward mod"
- without "Unifier Victory" victory condition

we play with the balance mod?

Age of Wonders 3

Game name: 1vs1 balance
Password: 123

Preferably vs player with ~900 ranking points

Written on 2019-03-11 21:47:03

MARKYMARK joined !!

Joué: 2020-04-24Nombre de joueurs humains: 2
Type de report: ffaenKind of game: PBEM
Valeur de la partie: 45
RésultatJoueurClassesRacesÉquipePointsPoints supplémentairesPoints non atteintsQuitteurEvaluer


Written on 2020-04-24 17:53:59

It was tough game that was supposed to be turned into attrition war which I should lose, but mahimka made a mistake and so lost it.

It was hard start for me. Literally every gold source site near my throne (except 1-2 sites) was defended by multiple fire based range units - draconian flamers, elders, hatchlings, fire elementals, so it was very hard to win battles without taking much damage even using splitting. My progress was slow and after few turns I could fight only one battle per turn, sometimes I even had to hesitate one more turn just to heal my heavily wounded troops a bit.
Funny thing that before I realized all situation, I produced settler and had to settle city without cleared sites in the domain.
Situation was so bad that I decided to research combat spell as my second research just to be able to win fights with my deadly wounded units, but still I lost two raiders in risky fights and mammoth rider because of miscalculation.

Everything started to get better when I bought two elves archers from the inn.

I researched bards quite late (on turn 12-13) and produced only.
With archers, bard and newly converted mammoth rider I started clearing Halls of the Forefathers and took three of them.
With 2 converts, ghoul strike and inflicting despair and curse on my necro hero I managed to convert 3 yeti, 2 ice queens and some other t1-t2 units from the map and gathered 2.5 stacks in total.

With this army I went to opponent's cities and at the same time was exploring rest of the my resp with second hero.

I tried to scout mahimka's main stack with crows, but without success. At some point I found his secondary stacks with hero, summons, evolved spiders and some converted units, and after a few turns it was obvious that he is planning to attack my cities.
My army near throne was much weaker, so I decided to produce royal guards as much as I can and hold defence in my throne while my main stacks capturing his cities.

Finally I scouted mahimka's main stack with elite king shock serpent and elite hunters which were close to my cities as well.
We attacked ours cities at the same time, I took his natural vassal and secondary city and I expected to lose two my cities on next turn.

I had 1.5 stacks with my hero running to the throne and 4 more units in the throne. I thought that I have time to join my armies and sit in the throne, but mahimka very surprised me and attacked throne before I did this.

His stack was quite far two turns before and I didn't expect that at all.

I think it was very greedy move from his side to blindly attack throne and expose leader knowing that his throne could be captured in a few turns.
He saw my hero's stack, but he didn't see additional 4-5 units because of arctic concealment and so I was able to attack his army 11 vs 6.

It was very tough battle, he had 40% frost protection from "warm at night" skill and also there was "Omen of the Dove" cosmic event which I think was worse for me, because my units were weak and were doing very little damage vs his high defense units.

Despite of this I won the fight and even last man standing king of the battle fell.

My main stacks were two turns far from his throne and his leader was in void, so he surrendered.

I think if he would not attack imme diately, and wait for his secondary stacks, we just exchange our cities and most likely I would lose this game because of high upkeep and low mobility.

Knowledge score:

Military score:

Written on 2020-04-24 17:49:03

Written on 2020-04-24 17:49:03

Match has been reported, please confirm!

Written on 2019-03-21 23:49:58

Match has been reported, please confirm!

Map settings was ok. There were at least two underground entrances.
But overall it looks like map is a bit unbalanced.

There were no underground entrance near Mark's position (or it was quite far), also independent city was far enough as well.

The Settings of the game was irregular. There was no Unterground. Normal we have to replay this game. With Underground it is another game. 

i'm okay with it.

Balance mod 1.27

Used settings described here https://www.the-battlefield.c... with a few exceptions:
- without "Strong Defender Normal Reward mod"
- without "Unifier Victory" victory condition

we play with the balance mod?

Age of Wonders 3

Game name: 1vs1 balance
Password: 123

Preferably vs player with ~900 ranking points

Written on 2019-03-11 21:47:03

MARKYMARK joined !!

Joué: 2020-04-15Nombre de joueurs humains: 2
Type de report: ffaenKind of game: PBEM
Valeur de la partie: 45
RésultatJoueurClassesRacesÉquipePointsPoints supplémentairesPoints non atteintsQuitteurEvaluer


Written on 2020-04-15 22:03:09

"Started converting units with my leader on turn 10 and managed to convert several good units.
Researched evangelists on turn 11 and produced one on turn 12. It helped me to open second front with my second hero."

Yeah so that confirms what I think: Evangelists are not necessary to do MC strategies, Leader is enough.

"I was always short on gold" Good so soon, we should get closer to balance.

What about trying to play with Treasures OFF, as suggested on the forum for future games? That way, no gold stash and no mana stash to pay for upkeep etc.

Written on 2020-04-15 20:42:20

Nothing special early game, cleaning resp and leveling.
Started converting units with my leader on turn 10 and managed to convert several good units.
Researched evangelists on turn 11 and produced one on turn 12. It helped me to open second front with my second hero.

I was always short on gold and my part of the map was poor, so didn't build much units. Most of my army consisted of converted units and units I got from rewards.

At turn 13-15 I cleaned everything near my starting location including high level sites and started thinking about moving into opponent's part of the map, because there were no good places to explore.

With my cherubs I have captured opponent's cities 3 times for one turn including throne, but it was not really efficient without scorched earth. I could probably raze one city if I leave two cherubs to defend it, but I made a mistake and it was recaptured by banshee.

I didn't see opponent's main army until the end, but I guessed that he will focus on building sun guards.

With my main stack I pushed forward in UG toward to his cities and took dungeon on the way. Was able to convert warbreed and with reward I got two stacks of good units (one stack of converted units).

We met not so far from his city in tiny pass between undiggable walls. He had 3.5 stacks with all heroes and leader, sun guards and banshees and some units bought from the inn. I had better army composition, but only two stacks.
We stayed couple of turns and no one of us could attack each other.

I was thinking about to pin his entire army near city while my second hero clearing map and also started preparing another stack with evangelist/crusaders to move to his cities from another way.
Mahimka wanted to turn the game aro und and made risky move to attack his own dungeon trying to convert warbreeds, but lost his stack with heroes and surrendered.

As Mahimka said after the game, he had two ghoul strikes and was not able to convert a single unit.

Knowledge score:

Military score:

Written on 2020-04-15 20:42:20

Match has been reported, please confirm!

Written on 2019-03-21 23:49:58

Match has been reported, please confirm!

Map settings was ok. There were at least two underground entrances.
But overall it looks like map is a bit unbalanced.

There were no underground entrance near Mark's position (or it was quite far), also independent city was far enough as well.

The Settings of the game was irregular. There was no Unterground. Normal we have to replay this game. With Underground it is another game. 

i'm okay with it.

Balance mod 1.27

Used settings described here https://www.the-battlefield.c... with a few exceptions:
- without "Strong Defender Normal Reward mod"
- without "Unifier Victory" victory condition

we play with the balance mod?

Age of Wonders 3

Game name: 1vs1 balance
Password: 123

Preferably vs player with ~900 ranking points

Written on 2019-03-11 21:47:03

MARKYMARK joined !!

Partie#22 | Round 5 : 2019 PBEM Duel Tournament #49
Joué: 2020-04-06Nombre de joueurs humains: 2
Type de report: 2019 PBEM Duel Tournament Kind of game: PBEM
Valeur de la partie: 1
RésultatJoueurClassesRacesÉquipePointsPoints supplémentairesPoints non atteintsQuitteurEvaluer


Written on 2019-03-21 23:49:58

Match has been reported, please confirm!

Map settings was ok. There were at least two underground entrances.
But overall it looks like map is a bit unbalanced.

There were no underground entrance near Mark's position (or it was quite far), also independent city was far enough as well.

The Settings of the game was irregular. There was no Unterground. Normal we have to replay this game. With Underground it is another game. 

i'm okay with it.

Balance mod 1.27

Used settings described here https://www.the-battlefield.c... with a few exceptions:
- without "Strong Defender Normal Reward mod"
- without "Unifier Victory" victory condition

we play with the balance mod?

Age of Wonders 3

Game name: 1vs1 balance
Password: 123

Preferably vs player with ~900 ranking points

Written on 2019-03-11 21:47:03

MARKYMARK joined !!

Joué: 2020-03-14Nombre de joueurs humains: 2
Type de report: ffaenKind of game: PBEM
Valeur de la partie: 45
RésultatJoueurClassesRacesÉquipePointsPoints supplémentairesPoints non atteintsQuitteurEvaluer


Written on 2020-03-14 09:20:33

Everything was quite ok in this game, but I made a few strategic mistakes and therefore lost the game so dumb.
My creeping route was a bit non-optimal, wasted couple of turns walking back and forth, but in general it was ok.

I had 4 wisps and gryphon scouting the map, but didn't scout underground well. It looks like there was relatively short way between our cities (or mahimka digged it towards to me) and I was a bit unprepared because of bad scouting.
Additional issue were roaming independents. I cleared 3 camps near my cities, but somewhere there was also hidden monster den far enough which I didn't find. I thought my city was guarded well (2 civic guards behind wooden walls), but I was mistaken and I lost my city.

Two turns before game is ended, I found mahimka's main stack not so far from my cities in UG. I didn't see his another stack (probably it was invisible) and thought that he will not take risk to move forward.
So I made very stupid move and stayed not so far from the place I scouted him.
It was very easy battle for him where I lost my 2 secondary stacks and leader.

My throne was near (2 turns far), so I have surrendered.
Even without MC, I had decent army and was able to resist attack if he rush, but my main stacks were in another place.

Knowledge score:

Military score:

Written on 2020-03-14 09:20:33

Match has been reported, please confirm!

Written on 2019-03-21 23:49:58

Match has been reported, please confirm!

Map settings was ok. There were at least two underground entrances.
But overall it looks like map is a bit unbalanced.

There were no underground entrance near Mark's position (or it was quite far), also independent city was far enough as well.

The Settings of the game was irregular. There was no Unterground. Normal we have to replay this game. With Underground it is another game. 

i'm okay with it.

Balance mod 1.27

Used settings described here https://www.the-battlefield.c... with a few exceptions:
- without "Strong Defender Normal Reward mod"
- without "Unifier Victory" victory condition

we play with the balance mod?

Age of Wonders 3

Game name: 1vs1 balance
Password: 123

Preferably vs player with ~900 ranking points

Written on 2019-03-11 21:47:03

MARKYMARK joined !!

Joué: 2020-03-07Nombre de joueurs humains: 2
Type de report: ffaenKind of game: PBEM
Valeur de la partie: 46
RésultatJoueurClassesRacesÉquipePointsPoints supplémentairesPoints non atteintsQuitteurEvaluer


Written on 2020-03-07 19:58:37

Test comment

Written on 2020-03-07 14:00:18

Written on 2020-03-07 12:59:07

It was very short game ended on turn 15.

Scouted Novograd early, we both were on surface and not so much far from each other.
I didn't plan to rush early, but site's locations and map in general encouraged this.
Bought peace with my nearest independent, but he gave me a quest very far from city and behind mountains or even on island.
At the same time I found that Novograd had very developed city-size independent with stone walls and a lot of useful sites in domain.
I have cancelled his quest razing watchtower myself by crows (there were no guards which is pretty stupid).

I was trying to find opponent's army looking at sites he cleared, but my guess was not really correct.
I thought he went to opposite direction from his independent and probably went underground. It was only partly true, but after he cleared several sites, he turned back. Perhaps I missed him because of arctic concealment from the shrine.

Anyway I decided to capture his independent and raze it or join it and sit there behind walls.
Approaching the city, I discovered that Novograd's army is also close to it.
I decided to stick the same plan and prepared to sieging city. He could took it, but it had quite strong and dangerous defenders, so I thought his army would be seriously wounded after that and I could try to kill it.
Anyway it didn't happen. Next turn I got quest from this city I wanted to attack, completed it and get eagle rider as a reward.
Then I bought 3 units from nearby inn, captured city I just made a peace and sit there. I had almost 3 stacks behind walls, many of them were ranged and I had very high chances to win even my army was wounded.

Next turn his army didn't run far enough and I caught it with outnumbered forces and killed without serious losses.

Can't say this win was because of early MC. I have converted only 3 units in this game - gryphon rider, phantasm and draconian scoundrel and I think they didn't impact much on game result.

Knowledge score:

Military score:

Written on 2019-03-21 23:49:58

Match has been reported, please confirm!

Map settings was ok. There were at least two underground entrances.
But overall it looks like map is a bit unbalanced.

There were no underground entrance near Mark's position (or it was quite far), also independent city was far enough as well.

The Settings of the game was irregular. There was no Unterground. Normal we have to replay this game. With Underground it is another game. 

i'm okay with it.

Balance mod 1.27

Used settings described here https://www.the-battlefield.c... with a few exceptions:
- without "Strong Defender Normal Reward mod"
- without "Unifier Victory" victory condition

we play with the balance mod?

Age of Wonders 3

Game name: 1vs1 balance
Password: 123

Preferably vs player with ~900 ranking points

Written on 2019-03-11 21:47:03

MARKYMARK joined !!

Partie#19 | keika vs mahimka #3
Joué: 2020-03-01Nombre de joueurs humains: 2
Type de report: ffaenKind of game: PBEM
Valeur de la partie: 45
RésultatJoueurClassesRacesÉquipePointsPoints supplémentairesPoints non atteintsQuitteurEvaluer


Written on 2019-03-21 23:49:58

Match has been reported, please confirm!

Map settings was ok. There were at least two underground entrances.
But overall it looks like map is a bit unbalanced.

There were no underground entrance near Mark's position (or it was quite far), also independent city was far enough as well.

The Settings of the game was irregular. There was no Unterground. Normal we have to replay this game. With Underground it is another game. 

i'm okay with it.

Balance mod 1.27

Used settings described here https://www.the-battlefield.c... with a few exceptions:
- without "Strong Defender Normal Reward mod"
- without "Unifier Victory" victory condition

we play with the balance mod?

Age of Wonders 3

Game name: 1vs1 balance
Password: 123

Preferably vs player with ~900 ranking points

Written on 2019-03-11 21:47:03

MARKYMARK joined !!

Partie#18 | vs novograd #7
Joué: 2020-02-28Nombre de joueurs humains: 2
Type de report: ffaenKind of game: PBEM
Valeur de la partie: 46
RésultatJoueurClassesRacesÉquipePointsPoints supplémentairesPoints non atteintsQuitteurEvaluer


Written on 2019-03-21 23:49:58

Match has been reported, please confirm!

Map settings was ok. There were at least two underground entrances.
But overall it looks like map is a bit unbalanced.

There were no underground entrance near Mark's position (or it was quite far), also independent city was far enough as well.

The Settings of the game was irregular. There was no Unterground. Normal we have to replay this game. With Underground it is another game. 

i'm okay with it.

Balance mod 1.27

Used settings described here https://www.the-battlefield.c... with a few exceptions:
- without "Strong Defender Normal Reward mod"
- without "Unifier Victory" victory condition

we play with the balance mod?

Age of Wonders 3

Game name: 1vs1 balance
Password: 123

Preferably vs player with ~900 ranking points

Written on 2019-03-11 21:47:03

MARKYMARK joined !!

Partie#17 | vs keika
Joué: 2020-02-21Nombre de joueurs humains: 2
Type de report: ffaenKind of game: PBEM
Valeur de la partie: 46
RésultatJoueurClassesRacesÉquipePointsPoints supplémentairesPoints non atteintsQuitteurEvaluer


Written on 2019-03-21 23:49:58

Match has been reported, please confirm!

Map settings was ok. There were at least two underground entrances.
But overall it looks like map is a bit unbalanced.

There were no underground entrance near Mark's position (or it was quite far), also independent city was far enough as well.

The Settings of the game was irregular. There was no Unterground. Normal we have to replay this game. With Underground it is another game. 

i'm okay with it.

Balance mod 1.27

Used settings described here https://www.the-battlefield.c... with a few exceptions:
- without "Strong Defender Normal Reward mod"
- without "Unifier Victory" victory condition

we play with the balance mod?

Age of Wonders 3

Game name: 1vs1 balance
Password: 123

Preferably vs player with ~900 ranking points

Written on 2019-03-11 21:47:03

MARKYMARK joined !!

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