Partie #1102 | vs mahimka #8

novograd vs  mahimka

Détails du match

Nombre de joueurs:2
Kind of game:   PBEM
Valeur de partie : 45
Résultat Joueur Classes Races Équipe Points Points supplémentaires Points non gagnés Quitteur Evaluer
1 novogradTheocratDwarves1900aqui
2 mahimkaTheocratFrostlings2-90-20aqui
Les messages affichés sur le jeu:
Publié le Sun, 17 Nov 2019 04:08:34 +0100

he got 2research, I had 0 so he had advantage till turn 20 because of fast evengelist.
However he leveled up too late.
I was 11level at turn15(there was 1 promotion cite)
so could clear all cites with starting army+vassal gift+1crusader.
And there were lots of good cites on my leaders path.
During turn 22~31, my scored doubled and his score decreased.
My question is how could it be...
I saw his main stack around turn 25, but don't know before and after.
At last he surrendered after saw my attacking army.
Maybe his 1stack couldn't ran away because of builders+logistic.

Publié le Sun, 10 Nov 2019 01:44:42 +0100
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vs mahimka #8

Publié le Sun, 10 Nov 2019 01:44:42 +0100
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Information vs mahimka #8
mahimka joined !!