Welcome to the AOW3 Players  FFA Ranking! All Results achieved in League are counted in this Ranking!

# Nickname Points Games WinRatio Result Players defeated Defeated by Players
105 RedChameleon70050 %LLLLL05
105 Sbiht70050 %LLLLL05
105 DacrioS70070 %LLLLL07
44 Jaguer710333 %(1 | 3)WLL12
45 Larks725250 %(1 | 2)LW11
46 No Life725250 %(1 | 2)WL11
47 Lutek4671725250 %(1 | 2)WL11
48 suXXes725250 %(1 | 2)LW11
49 SpellCaster725250 %(1 | 2)WL11
50 Piao725333 %(1 | 3)LWL12
51 Stephen122334725333 %(1 | 3)WLL12
52 Tarskon725333 %(1 | 3)LWL12
53 natnat725333 %(1 | 3)WLL12
54 mauvebutterfly725425 %(1 | 4)WLLL13
55 badborre725425 %(1 | 4)WLLL13
56 chiveicrook725425 %(1 | 4)LLWL13
57 leon feargus725425 %(1 | 4)LWLL13
58 Redil725520 %(1 | 5)LLLWL14
59 SanTiL726616 %(1 | 6)LLWLL15
60 spockimpossible727333 %(1 | 3)LWL12

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